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Tag - unspeakable
Quotes Tagged With :unspeakable
Joseph Conrad
And for a moment it seemed to me as if I also were buried in a vast grave full of unspeakable secrets.....
Judith Lewis Herman
I have tried to communicate my ideas in a language that preserves connections, a language that is faithful....
Frank X. Barron
On the ward there was hurt and pain so big and so deep that speech could not express it. I had been interested....
Leonard Baskin
Pop art is the inedible raised to the unspeakable.
Judith Lewis Herman
This book appears at a time when public discussion of the common atrocities of sexual and domestic life....
Jake Wood
My family says they are proud of me. Of course, I would rather hear this than the contrary, but I cannot....
Judith Lewis Herman
The ORDINARY RESPONSE TO ATROCITIES is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social....
Toba Beta
There are many unspeakable words, forgotten, or forbidden.Great thanks to the poets who make them all....
Judith Lewis Herman
The study of psychological trauma has repeatedly led into realms of the unthinkable and foundered on....
Arthur Schopenhauer
I cannot here withhold the statement that optimism, where it is not merely the thoughtless talk of those....
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