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Tag - upheaval
Quotes Tagged With :upheaval
D.D. Chant
You have been so sheltered, Deeta - more even than your sisters. You know nothing of life or of people,....
John Ferling
Wanting to change only the British position at the top of the American social structure, John Adams feared....
Walter M. Miller Jr.
And how will this come to pass?' He paused and lowered his voice. ' In the same way all change comes....
Mette Ivie Harrison
George was full of hatred. Of his own weakness and stupidity, of his magic, of the stubbornness and the....
You [demagogues] are like the fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly....
Jhumpa Lahiri
The blood of too many, dissolving the very stain.
ELW-Reta Barnes
The only way we can eliminate despots in this world, is not to be peaceful about it, for that has been....
Agnostic Zetetic
If you’re lying to everyone you know, including yourself, at every possible turn, is a little upheaval....
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