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Tag - urban
Quotes Tagged With :urban
Lisa Williamson
It was another dark and windy night. Like so many others.
Lisa Kessler
Do they send all of you jaguars through some elitist asshole training course?
Carrie Ann Ryan
What am I?" she asked ..."You are mine," he answered roughly, his forehead still on hers.
Laura Oliva
The Toyota plowed headlong into the boy. But there was no impact. No screams, no blood, no bending metal.The....
Maer Wilson
Reo Malone - "You can't put the genie back in the bottle.
Evette Davis
It's common knowledge in the industry that people often lie, or minimize things, when they participate....
Allison Sipe
Violet will carry he mark of Merlin's bloodline and she'll be able to wake The Lady from her slumber.....
Mercedes M. Yardley
The demonic love the taste of little girls.
Drexel Deal
We really had a close netted structure to rely on for anything, you could have gone by anyone house and....
Laurell K. Hamilton
I try to be a good cop. I try to be a good little soldier and follow orders up to a point. But in the....
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