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Tag - valid
Quotes Tagged With :valid
Unarine Ramaru
One thing we entirely forget when making decisions is the fact that the results concern and throw back....
Brittany Burgunder
Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn't....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't tell a lie to be loved, speak the truth to be hated.
W.H. Newton-Smith
Logic, it is often said, is the study of valid arguments. It is a systematic attempt to distinguish valid....
Mary Dimmock
How do I validate him in the face of such profound personal loss and the outrageous denial by the medical....
Jill Bolte Taylor
Just like children, emotions heal when they are heard and validated.
Criss Jami
Like all great things which then become fashions, science, as now the universal stamp of approval, probably....
Alaric Hutchinson
All beliefs are equally valid.
Natasha Lester
She ran straight into Leo’s open arms, unable to stop the tears from falling, feeling at last defended,....
Mandy Hale
An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it. People are naturally....
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