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Tag - veterans
Quotes Tagged With :veterans
George S. Patton
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
David J. Morris
Trauma destroys the fabric of time. In normal time you move from one moment to the next, sunrise to sunset,....
Thomas J Brennan
The Marine Corps forced me to come home from Afghanistan. It's up to me to allow myself to come home.....
Maya Lin
I deliberately did not read anything about the Vietnam War because I felt the politics of the war eclipsed....
James Mattis
No matter how bad any situation, cynicism has no positive impact. Watching the news, you might notice....
Vladislav Tamarov
By 1989, the total number of Vietnam veterans who had died in violent accidents or by suicide after the....
The word 'survivor' carries a weight of remembrance that has broken the minds and bodies of more than....
Stanley Victor Paskavich
Many people say that psychiatrists just want to push drugs. Well I seriously have to say, without medication,....
C.J. Hatch
I’ve learned, Agent Sanders, most warriors feel the same way after they’ve come back from the battles....
James Mattis
You've been told that you're broken, that you're damaged goods and should be labeled victims. I don't....
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