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Tag - voting
Quotes Tagged With :voting
Robert Higgs
Voting, the be all and end all of modern democratic politicians, has become a farce, if indeed it was....
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidents are selected, not elected.
Sinclair Lewis
Like every thoughtful parent in every age of history, Neil consoled himself, "My generation failed, but....
E.A. Bucchianeri
...they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results....
E.A. Bucchianeri
Pops added,"you know, they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve.""And if you do,....
Michelle Templet
It is the moral duty of every US voter to guarantee that Barack Hussein Obama is a one-term president.....
Charles M. Blow
We don’t vote for people because they are the exact embodiment of our values, but because they are....
Sergio de la Pava
Vote? What's so fun about voting? You should never vote, everyone knows that. If you vote and your guy....
George Takei
My father once told me that American democracy is a people’s democracy at heart, and that it therefore....
Walter Cronkite
We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders.
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