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Tag - waste
Quotes Tagged With :waste
Never waste your time wishing for anything that's achievable through hard work.
Sunday Adelaja
You can become anything that you want to be but the goal is for you to become your best self.
Sunday Adelaja
Every man has been called to produce a certain number of products within the time allocated to him to....
Israelmore Ayivor
The main way people waste time is by complaining of their past wasted time. Leaders respond even if it....
Israelmore Ayivor
Don't neglect adverse situations. Sometimes, they carry the yolk of great differences. When you break....
Sunday Adelaja
When you spent your time, you are actually spending your life.
Sunday Adelaja
Since time comes in seconds, in minutes and in hours, we must learn to convert time, else, it will slip....
Auliq Ice
Whether you need to remember the past or not, It changes nothing but gives the best choice for the future....
Sunday Adelaja
The good thing about winning the race against time is that even though your time is diminishing you always....
But you do just the opposite. You strengthen your thought-waves. You are seized by worthless thoughts....
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