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Tag - wave
Quotes Tagged With :wave
Ilchi Lee
You can think of your life as being a little like knitting. When you first begin, there is no shape to....
All Time Low
I earned my place,With the tidal waves.I can't escape this feeling,That something ain't right.I called....
shivangi lavaniya
and nothing can be more captivating than the waves hitting the shore
Oksana Rus
At the end of the day…we are anchoring into the peaceful lagoon, smiling at the majestic sun and its....
Jazz Feylynn
His eyes never blinked or wavered from mine, encompassing me in a field of control.
Alice Hoffman
He had appeared beside her because she had wanted him to. She had called him to her, and was calling....
Toba Beta
When the first "let there be light" spoken, the entire electromagnetic spectrum is emitted.
Rick Yancey
I've decided to trust him, but like somebody once said, you can't force yourself to trust. So you put....
Debasish Mridha
Be a wave of peace and let it wash away all of the hatred from your heart.
Andrea Dworkin
It is a tragedy beyond the power of language to convey when what has been imposed on women by force becomes....
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