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Tag - weeds
Quotes Tagged With :weeds
Laura Miller
Life didn’t go how I had planned, but I couldn’t have planned a better life. Somewhere in between....
Richelle E. Goodrich
Seemingly insignificant choices are like seemingly trivial seeds. Once planted, they root and grow and....
Derrick Jensen
The fundamental metaphor of National Socialism as it related to the world around it was the garden, not....
Laura Miller
How does the story really go?Does she ever cross your mind?Does she ever steal your nights?Is she still....
Michelle Cuevas
He saw the kind of beauty yellow flowers have growing over a carpet of dead leaves. The beauty of cracks....
Stan Jacobs
What do the words “plant” and “plan” have in common? Yes, correct, it’s the word PLAN.Mind....
Sanober Khan
I wouldn't mindif life left me...winglessburnt to cindersripped by stormsscattered...like weedscelestially....
Israelmore Ayivor
Anger is the agro-chemical that makes the weeds of failure to germinate and compete with your crops of....
When life is not coming up rosesLook to the weedsand find the beauty hidden within them.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Awake! arise! the hour is late! Angels are knocking at thy door!They are in haste and cannot wait, And....
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