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Tag - weekend
Quotes Tagged With :weekend
Dabney Coleman
But it was this tough little character part that I was playing, a very funny little guy that I invented....
Florence Welch
Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.....
Terry Weible Murphy
In certain circumstances, basically shit ones, it’s fight or flight. With Tommy it’s always fright....
Time spent for temporary happiness like movie or outing or weekend on a beach is all synthetic; with....
Andrew Stanton
I was that kind of kid that was going to the movies every weekend, I couldn't get enough of the movies,....
Terry Weible Murphy
It’s still all “ifs” “buts” and “maybes”.’ ‘Maybe,’ I said. ‘But if what I’m....
Bryant A. Loney
The weekends are too short for sleep!
James A. Murphy
It's not that we spend five days looking forward to just two. It's that most people do what they enjoy....
Karina Halle
I looked like a hipster who broke his arm at a Vampire Weekend concert or some shit like that.
Richie Norton
Entrepreneurs don't have weekends or birthdays or holidays. Every day is my weekend, my birthday, my....
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