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Tag - weil
Quotes Tagged With :weil
Sharon Weil
Pleasure feels better than pain. Make the pursuit of pleasure your guide.
Sharon Weil
Everything in my environment is offering me feedback, if I will only listen.
Sharon Weil
Community is a context and can either facilitate or inhibit the movement of change for the individual.....
Maggie Nelson
238. I want you to know, if you ever read this, there was a time when I would rather have had you by....
Sharon Weil
Every journey towards change begins with awareness.
Sharon Weil
Information can compel us to want to take action, but information, by itself, is often not enough to....
Sharon Weil
We often gain awareness through a baseline comparison between now and next.
Sharon Weil
Change moves incrementally from breath to breath and moment to moment, allowing for course-correction....
Sharon Weil
If I’m going to have hope, I’m going to have to learn to endure disappointment.
Sharon Weil
Change occurs on a continuum and does not move in a straight line.
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