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Tag - whiteness
Quotes Tagged With :whiteness
Sherman Alexie
Mick had once come across one of Wilson't books and was surprised to see his face on the back cover.....
Michi Trota
What does it mean when I say that 'I don't see race?' It means that because I learned to see no difference....
Arundhati Roy
It is such a supreme folly to believe that nuclear weapons are deadly only if they're used. The fact....
J. Kameron Carter
The new vantage from which Christian theology as a discourse on Christian identity must operate in the....
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Won't reparations divide us? Not any more than we are already divided. The wealth gap merely puts a number....
Munia Khan
When I ache to live, my mind loves to stay with the peaceful whiteness of a pigeon’s care...in boundless....
Carolina De Robertis
Nothing changes if we just feel shitty about being White. And nothing changes if we refuse to talk about....
Ta-Nehisi Coates
[whiteness] has no real meaning divorced from the machinery of criminal power. The new people were something....
Robert Jensen
Whiteness–the whole constellation of practices, beliefs, attitudes, emotions that are mixed up in being....
Danzy Senna
I wondered if whiteness were contagious. If it were, then surely I had caught it. I imagined this “condition”....
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