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Tag - wolfe
Quotes Tagged With :wolfe
Virginia Woolf
Sleep, that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.
Bridie Clark
I'd known since girlhood that I wanted to be a book editor. By high school, I'd pore over the acknowledgments....
Digby Wolfe
Here's to the kids who are different,The kids who don't always get A's,The kids who have ears twice the....
Robin Bielman
Ready to hit the sack?"She choked on the last slide of her ice cream and cleared her throat, "With you?".......
Robin Bielman
He kissed her more thoroughly, more deeply, more deliciously than she'd thought possible. Everything....
Robin Bielman
I’m the only one who gets to kiss that sexy mouth of yours....The only one who gets to taste between....
Robin Bielman
The clandestine operation tucked several floors below ground level inside a Los Angeles high-rise had....
Munia Khan
Give me one more night to taste the darkWhen wolves imitate a lone dog's bark Let those secrets remain....
Robin Bielman
I don't have any tan lines because I sunbathe in the nude.
Robin Bielman
She'd jumped out of plenty of planes. Albeit with a parachute in place, but she pushed that worry aside.....
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