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Tag - wool
Quotes Tagged With :wool
Barry N. Malzberg
He began as a minor imitator of Fitzgerald, wrote a novel in the late twenties which won a prize, became....
Virginia Woolf
I should never be able to fulfill what is,I understand, the first duty of a lecturer-to hand you after....
Francis M. Nevins Jr.
But suspense presupposes uncertainty. No matter how nightmarish the situation, real suspense is impossible....
Virginia Woolf
It's too short,' she said, 'ever so much too short.' Never did anybody look so sad. Bitter and black,....
Virginia Woolf
As summer neared, as the evening lengthened there came to the wakeful, the hopeful, walking the beach,....
Virginia Woolf
Either I shall find it, or I shall not find it. I examine my note-case. I look in all my pockets. These....
Virginia Woolf
Life, how I have dreaded you," said Rhoda, "oh, human beings, how I have hated you! How you have nudged,....
Hugh Howey
It was a sad loss, this illusion of importance, a humbling blow.
Virginia Woolf
Feelings that would not have disgraced a leader who, now that the snow has begun to fall and the mountain-top....
Kat Clark
I wished I hadn’t majored in women filling their pockets with stones and sticking their heads into....
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