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Tag - workers
Quotes Tagged With :workers
Jerry Ash
To the RKO motion picture camera at her 100th birthday party: “I pray for the day when working men....
Barrie Dolnick
When bad things happen or you don't get your own way, if you can open your heart to compassion instead....
Noam Chomsky
Both political parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period. Today’s New Democrats....
Sarah Lotz
Like my girlfriend Denisha is always saying (she’s an Episcopalian), some of Jesus’ best friends....
Alan Huffman
The Singaporean government, which represents legal migrant workers in employment disputes and claims....
Nikki Rowe
I stopped remembering the past and started visualising my future, the only thing left I could hold onto....
Carl R White
Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman that....
Jerry Ash
I am a citizen of this country,” I declare, “and Mr. Mayor, tonight I will be a citizen of this city....
Steven Magee
One of the biggest lies that is currently being told in the USA workplace is on the legally required....
Eileen Anglin
Lightworkers and holistic leaders who are afraid to voice their opinions on global events, this I say....
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