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Tag - worldly
Quotes Tagged With :worldly
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t let the things of the world distract you. Focus on your purpose
Peter Adejimi
People don’t seem to realizeit that it is not like we’re onthe Titanic and we have toavoid the iceberg.....
Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is the foundation for the worldly life and the foundation for ‘Knowledge’ is....
Dada Bhagwan
The Gnani Purush [The enlightened one] always remains untouched in his worldly interactions. Everything....
Michael Bassey Johnson
If any woman opens her legs for you, don't feel so lucky to be fed with nonsense, she has been a bitch....
Eliot Pattison
The more one understands the world...the harder it is to obtain Buddhahood." Dakpo to Shan
Dada Bhagwan
The meaning of worldly life is external problems [upadhi, problems arising out of external situations].....
Dada Bhagwan
The path of spirituality is a path where one has to keep on reducing his wishes for worldly happiness,....
Temitayo Olami
When a woman says she doesn't want to be your fling, it doesn't mean she wants to be your girlfriend....
Dada Bhagwan
There aren’t any ‘relative’ (worldly) things that is worth inviting. So what is worth inviting?....
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