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Tag - worthy
Quotes Tagged With :worthy
T.F. Hodge
Do not trust a teacher that is unwilling to learn.
Alexandra Elle
your brown eyes are beautiful.don’t believe the hype.
Miles Anthony Smith
The goal of leadership is not to be likable or loved but to be proven trustworthy and respected.
Simona Panova
A good enemy can be better than the best of friend.
Dee Dee Artner
Trustworthy is earned not bought.
Erin Hunter
-I am willing to die for my own clan.-Fireheart
Stephen Richards
How we relate with other people is dependent on how we rate ourselves and what we think about ourselves.....
Sheldon Pereira
My unpleasant past has given me wisdom to build a pleasant Future.
Henry Ward Beecher
Victories that are cheap are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as the result of hard fighting.....
Stephen Richards
A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.
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