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Tag - writing
Quotes Tagged With :writing
W. Somerset Maugham
Only a mediocre person is always at his best.
Avijeet Das
Poets and writers don't live either for money or for fame. And even without any recognition for their....
Steven Pressfield
The artist committing himself to his calling has volunteered for hell, whether he knows it or not. He....
James Plath
The best endings resonate because they echo a word, phrase, or image from earlier in the story, and the....
Margaret Mahy
Somewhere int he flesh of the earth the dreadful earthquake shuddered, the tide walked to and fro on....
James Joyce
Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The....
William Strunk Jr.
Remember, it is no sign of weakness or defeat that your manuscript ends up in need of major surgery.....
Sarah Dessen
All we had was her room, her stories, and the quiet that settled in as we tried in vain to spread ourselves....
Sarah Wendell
If a person who is content with his life meets someone who makes everything just a little bit more challenging,....
Philip K. Dick
They know a million tricks, those novelists. Take Doctor Goebbels; that's how he started out, writing....
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