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Tag - awful
Quotes Tagged With :awful
Toba Beta
Freedom is limited by the need to coexist.
James C. Dobson
To have been possessed by something so awful and so alien, and then the next morning wake up from it,....
Catherine Lacey
Though I knew I had the potential to do this locked in me like a poisonous pet snake, I knew I didn't....
Criss Jami
Even the richest of brands are robbed by poor character.
Amit Kalantri
Majority wins, but majority is not necessarily right and sometimes majority is awfully wrong.
Stephen Crane
The maddened four men followed frantically, for it is better to be in the presence of the awful than....
Richelle E. Goodrich
Not every day is awful.Not every day is good.Despite the way the hours passI’m living like I should.Not....
Osamu Dazai
To break free from this vexatious and awful never-ending cycle, this flood of outrageous thoughts, and....
Nithin Purple
The thick baffling blades of false world customs rip off my views and ideas,like breaking every string....
Michael Thomas Ford
Just because your life isn't as awful as someone else's that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. You can't....
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