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Tag - bay
Quotes Tagged With :bay
Jordan Castillo Price
A psycho murderer who lubed. How considerate.
Enock Maregesi
Katika dunia ya leo ambapo mamilioni ya watu hutegemea utandawazi kupata pesa, kuwa na imani kwamba kupokea....
Josh Stern
I started to enjoy the regal sport of cockfighting... but I'm still having trouble getting the hang of....
Enock Maregesi
Mungu ana uwezo wa kukuwekea ulinzi kulia na kushoto yaani anayekulinda naye ana mlinzi wake. Lakini....
Katherine McIntyre
A lazy smile reached his lips. “The mere sight of me shirtless takes your mind there? Good to know.....
Jesse Giles Christiansen
I should have known right then that I was dreaming. But oh how we hang on to dreams even when we are....
Glen Carter
story telling is not a career, it's a calling. I've been writing true and compelling news my entire professional....
Ken Doyle
He looked at me with a smile that I still remember and ran a finger along his impeccably trimmed mustache.....
Ogwo David Emenike
As the sun shines I will make hayTo keep failure at bayFor there remaineth a payFor my honest toil each....
Ilona Andrews
He had the prettiest hair she had ever seen on a man: dark brown, almost black, and soft like sable,....
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