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Tag - brazilian
Quotes Tagged With :brazilian
Vinicius de Moraes
...Who knows what death, anxiety of the living, Who knows what loneliness, end of the lovingI could say....
Chris Matakas
Jiu Jitsu can be a source of total transparency such as a mirror, but it takes a conscious choice to....
Angélica Calheiros
I am very careful about who I choose to build memories with. Some of them might last a lifetime.
Chris Matakas
I have seen far by seeing through the lens of Jiu Jitsu. I have exchanged a great deal of physical health....
Chris Matakas
If Jiu Jitsu does not make you a better father, son, mother, daughter, wife or husband, you are missing....
Chris Matakas
It is fellowship, this most fundamental need on our way toward achieving our highest expression of the....
Angélica Calheiros - Nove dias para amar
Isn't it what life is about, after all? A series of images that pass us by like towns as you cross along....
Chris Matakas
In Jiu Jitsu, we often fall into the trap of simply trying a technique "harder," rather than recognizing....
Chris Matakas
I wanted to get to the most essential aspect of my being, and look around for a while. I wanted to explore....
Chris Matakas
Thoreau went to the woods. I went to the mats.
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