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Tag - canvas
Quotes Tagged With :canvas
Josh Stern
Love is the canvas covering the furniture that you've become a part of
Jason Medina
The mind is like an empty canvas and we are all artists, who spend our entire lives creating our own....
Ang Lee
For a filmmaker, it's a rare chance to do a personal film on a big canvas.
Shawn Lukas
For me, a paint brush is the only tool I use extensively in my works, to push paint on canvas and conduct....
Shaun Jeffrey
Anyone can put paint on a canvas, but only a true master can bring the painting to life. Anyone can kill,....
Jazz Feylynn
The ink line drawing flowed the cursive journey,created on paper canvas that brought the story to life.....
James A. Murphy
Your mind is the canvas upon which you are the artist. What will you paint on your canvas today? Will....
The canvas is the door to another dimension. The paintbrush is the key.
Amy Efaw
She can paint a lovely picture, but this story has a twist. her paintbrush is a razor, and her canvas....
Piper Payne
There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple....
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