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Tag - captured
Quotes Tagged With :captured
Geoffrey O'Brien
The age of recording is necessarily an age of nostalgia--when was the past so hauntingly accessible?--but....
Anthony Liccione
Key the mind, and set the soul free.
Shannon A. Thompson
Fate was tricky like that. It consumed us when we thought we were free, and it freed us when we thought....
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
There were so many of these moments that could never be captured accurately, even in the camcorder, only....
Steven Redhead
Capture the positive perspective of life.
Vijaya Gowrisankar
I stare mesmerized at the photothat you have sent, pushing your child on the swing...a precious moment....
Vijaya Gowrisankar
Your exuberance, passion, mesmerizing voice, animated actions, and eyes full of dreamscaptured my attentionso....
Warren Ellis
That was a stupid idea I made up while drunk. Why did someone build that?
Stephen M. Irwin
She put her tongue out and felt the raw edges of the torn silk. She looped her tongue around them and....
Bruce Mbanzabugabo
People will print what they will capturing but try to give the real image through positive thinking for....
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