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Tag - clowns
Quotes Tagged With :clowns
David Corralez
A Dirty Clown Is a Ridiculously Clean when standing amongst Politicians.
Christopher Lombardo
With apologies to Judy Garland and Cole Porter, all the world does NOT love a clown. John Wayne Gacy....
Katherine Applegate
My family tree spreads wide as well. I am a great ape, and you are a great ape, and so are chimpanzees....
D.J. MacHale
I hate clowns. I've mentioned that, right?
D.J. MacHale
There are two types of people in this world. People who hate clowns...and clowns. (Bobby Pendragon)
James Howard Kunstler
The United States is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, yet its inhabitants are strikingly....
Enid Blyton
A clown needn't be the same out of the ring as he has to be when he's in it. If you look at photographs....
Katherine Applegate
Death's gruesome face taunts:soulless eyes, crimson grimace.I really hate clowns.
Dejan Stojanovic
Statesmen are grocers, ambitious clowns.
Brian South
When asked what profession they like least, most people will give the obvious answer: clowns.
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