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Tag - defining
Quotes Tagged With :defining
Elizabeth Bourgeret
Every hour you are not going after your passion, making your dreams a reality or defining your purpose....
Meg Jay
Distinctiveness is a fundamental part of identity. We develop a clearer sense of ourselves by firming....
Tim Hiller
We usually don't realize the thing that is defining our identity until that thing is taken away.
Alex Morritt
In the absence of a formally agreed, worldwide dictionary definition of 'Quotography' (in 2016), here....
Warren Ellis
Did you ever want to set someone's head on fire, just to see what it looked like? Did you ever stand....
R. Alan Woods
The character of Jesus can only be ultimately known experientially through the indwelling of His Spirit....
A.J. Darkholme
Love is one of the most motivating and self-defining forces in our lives, whether we turn from it or....
Hyrum W. Smith
How we choose to deal with pain is ultimately the measure of who we are and of the success we have in....
Ariana Grande
We need to encourage each other to do what we want and not let it totally define us. You know? The things....
Dennis Merritt Jones
Life probably does not hand us any more visceral experience of how we mistakenly define ourselves than....
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