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Tag - experimentation
Quotes Tagged With :experimentation
Dalai Lama XIV
We must conduct research and then accept the results. If they don't stand up to experimentation, Buddha's....
Yvon Chouinard
Doing risk sport had taught me another important lesson: never exceed your limits. You push the envelope....
Elizabeth Peters
But he was a perfect gentleman, Aunt Amelia. He did not even try to kiss me, though he wanted to. .......
Richard Adams
How do they find out with the experiments?''...one way they can find out a whole lot is to make an animal....
Pawan Mishra
Many storytellers with possibly more potential than Shakespeare, even though I have not read much of....
Sharon Salzberg
By experimenting with sympathetic joy, we break from the constricted world of individual struggle and....
Jules Verne
Science, my boy, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they....
Criss Jami
Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not....
Criss Jami
Rather than swallowing our pride and simply asking what we do not know, we choose to fill in the blanks....
Paul R. Halmos
Mathematics is not a deductive science - that's a cliche. When you try to prove a theorem, you don't....
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