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Tag - figurative
Quotes Tagged With :figurative
Ana Claudia Antunes
People ask me where I got my x-ray powers. I inherited them from my parents in parental supervision.....
Criss Jami
The study of Scripture I find to be quite like mastering an instrument. No one is so good that they cannot....
Maggie Stiefvater
The air moved slowly around his body, somehow tangible, gold flaked, every dust mote a lantern.
Hanya Yanagihara
He didn't really care if they felt that way or not: he just needed them to say it, he needed to feel....
Dexter Palmer
This had been happening more and more often: the two of us come upon each other by accident in the early....
Criss Jami
You get hit the hardest when trying to run or hide from a problem. Like the defense on a football field,....
Mark Shea
It will not, however, affect one tiny bit the question of whether the text has a literal meaning because—mark....
Terry Pratchett
The world rides through space on the back of a turtle. This is one of the great ancient world myths,....
Criss Jami
The common man prays, 'I want a cookie right now!' And God responds, 'If you'd listen to what I say,....
Dominic Riccitello
I’ll never know if it was figuratively or literally when he said I drove him crazy.
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