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Tag - flake
Quotes Tagged With :flake
Kamand Kojouri
Love is a snowflake for no two are ever the same.
Elizabeth Goudge
The way God squandered Himself had always hurt her; and annoyed her too. The sky full of wings and only....
Kytka Hilmar-Jezek
As I sit here on a snowy morning watching the flakes gently fall outside my window, I look at the 300-year-old....
Hannah Bleau
A bunch of Latinas at Pitzer College decided to let white girls know that they shouldn’t wear hoops....
Ryan Graudin
Why, yes. I am a strange wonder. The most special of snowflakes! Born out of time, forever running to....
Jessica Warman
It had started snowing, a thick wet layer of slush that won't stick. There are no cars on the road, nothing....
Craig Ferguson
I think people are as individual as snowflakes, they kinda look alike but no two are the exactly the....
Debasish Mridha
Find time to admire and appreciate the glittering lights on snowflakes.
Adam Snowflake
I often say never write about white people. Not many people realize what I mean by this. Its pretty simple.....
John Hawkins
Many millennials...feel “unsafe” if someone they disagree with speaks at an event they don’t have....
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