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Tag - heteronormativity
Quotes Tagged With :heteronormativity
Emily Gould
I stopped typing and started having a conversation about the blog post with my boyfriend. He said he’d....
DaShanne Stokes
Persecution complexes are reaffirming to those who benefit from unearned privileges.
DaShanne Stokes
If you think being straight means you're being discriminated against, you're probably misreading your....
Sara Ahmed
Away from home, my partner and I are on holiday on a resort on an island. Mealtimes bring everyone together.....
Rabih Alameddine
On Lou's lips a trace of pinot and out of them poured tales of acts of viciousness worthy of the great....
DaShanne Stokes
Saying it's hard being straight is like complaining to the poor that it's difficult being wealthy.
Joey Comeau
I break into heterosexual houses so I can masturbate in their heterosexual kitchens
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