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Tag - hips
Quotes Tagged With :hips
Nadège Richards
When you have something this good, you keep it. Forever. And that's all the magic there is to it.
Robert Fulghum
Instructions For WayfarersThey will declare: Every journey has been taken.You shall respond: I have not....
James Anderson
My instinct told me that she didn't want me to understand. What she felt and lived with couldn't be shared....
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
You're not having sex with him. I know these guys, and you don't. I'm trusting you with Claudia Reeshman.....
Sahara Sanders
It is not really wise to make too many assumptions when you don’t yet have all the facts to do so.....
Eric Jerome Dickey
That’s what sex does: it starts relationships and it verifies the end of relationships.
Nancy Glynn
To own a man's heart is to own him for life.
Tiziana Stupia
No knife cuts as swiftly, deeply and precisely as the blade of the Beloved.
Jennifer Elisabeth
I write so I don’t call you.
Kattie Belgar
I had a dream about you. You was a crocodile and i was always looking for you with fear. Your teeth were....
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