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Tag - imbalance
Quotes Tagged With :imbalance
Cristopher Priest
Civilization on Earth planet was equated with selfishness and greed; those people who lived in a civilized....
Vann Chow
Understandably she had a lot of suitors, just like any other girls in China with two arms and legs.
Jon Edgell
Month to month there were many discrepancies carried forward without resolution through what I jokingly....
David L. Conroy
Even if we accept the view that biochemical imbalances may contribute to depression and suicide, it is....
Julien Smith
Success works as a cycle - growth and contraction, balancing and unbalancing - all while you're encountering....
Suzy Kassem
We will never know peace and stability in the world without balance. And we will never know balance without....
Bryant McGill
When you succumb to cynicism, darkness, pessimism and sarcasm you are amplifying imbalance and negativity.....
Irving Kirsch
The results of decades of neurotransmitter-depletion studies point to one inescapable conclusion: low....
Crystal Woods
Chemically, I'm as off as I can be. But you fix me.
Mitchell Heisman
What does despair mean to someone who interprets that emotion as a chemical reaction in the brain?
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