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Tag - jonas
Quotes Tagged With :jonas
Jonas Karlsson
You don't turn a river by abruptly trying to get it to change direction. You don't have that much power.....
Morgan Rhodes
But before she could speak another word, he crushed his mouth against hers.It was so unexpected that....
David Honegger
Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the precise....
Jonas Jonasson
Life, here I come!' he said. And was immediately and fatally run over by a bus.
Jonas Karlsson
Her skirt was nice, but she was wearing a dull-colored blouse that wasn't at all attractive. I'd have....
Jonas Karlsson
He looked at me with the tired, ignorant, slightly stupid expression that is so common in people who....
Winter Renshaw
Anyway, it's like when Kate Hudson was hooking up with that Jonas brother. It was kind of weird at first....
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