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Tag - lustra
Quotes Tagged With :lustra
Todd Bricker
Enjoy the brush strokes of life and try not to worry about filling the canvas.
Ray Bradbury
There were differences between memories and dreams. He had only dreams of things he had wanted to do,....
Magda M. Olchawska
We need to get to the other side of the lake if you want to help the fairies,” said Mikolay.We could....
David Scheier
Though this child came in with nothing but excess baby fat, chemical brain waves, and mother and son....
Othniel Charles Marsh
In preparing the present volume, it has been the aim of the author to do full justice to the ample material....
Daniel Von der Ahe
If I live...I will live unafraid...I will live so all can see,I am not ashamed of who I am or what I'm....
John W. Kurtze
Writing THE LITTLEST HUNTER: THE JOURNEY BEGINS the first book is The Littlest Series. Sharing my stories....
Sedrie Danielle
Sometimes you must slow down to see that the world isnt spinning, rather its your own mind which makes....
John Ruskin
All art is but dirtying the paper delicately.
Minnelli Lucy France
Sometimes I defy flower anatomy & other times I try and replicate it intricately!
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