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Tag - mainstream
Quotes Tagged With :mainstream
M.B. Dallocchio
Travel can sometimes push us to lose ourselves and find ourselves at once. The shedding of old prejudices,....
Roy L. Pickering Jr.
Once you break someone’s heart, you are forever its master.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
... and I submit to you, that science, scientific discovery, especially cosmic discovery, does not become....
Diana Duncan
Testosterone poisoning can be fatal, Braveheart." (Delaney to Rowan)
Jess C. Scott
People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.
Jess C. Scott
You may be married to a star, but that doesn't mean they'll treat you like one.
Terry Pratchett
[Science fiction is] out in the mainstream now. You can tell by the way mainstream literary authors pillage....
Kathy-Diane Leveille
Brannagh Maloney had lived with disappearances all her life. They were as familiar to her as the changing....
Roy L. Pickering Jr.
Nothing felt better to him than the act of waiting for her. As long as he believed it wasn’t in vain,....
Roy L. Pickering Jr.
And although he recognized that tenderness was not the same as passion, and certainly not equivalent....
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