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Tag - merrick
Quotes Tagged With :merrick
Anne Rice
I think we are wise, we English speakers, to savor accents. They teach us things about our own tongue.....
Steve Merrick
My mind is like the Titanic, to many brain cells for the life boats.
Steve Merrick
The path of life on our planet and maybe many others does not need a divinity to thrive, it needs no....
Tamara Rose Blodgett
Respect earned through fear instead of deeds, was not truly respect.
Steve Merrick
Charles Darwin's only mistake was in not being a physicist, because the entire process of evolution started....
Steve Merrick
BREXIT?So mental a political tap dance, that it makes riding a porcupine bareback over a cliff seem the....
Steve Merrick
Trust a politician? I would rather staple gun my nuts to the back of a charging rhino.
Steve Merrick
I have zero respect for knowledge, that’s what computers are for. Imagination is the kicker because....
Steve Merrick
Is it wrong of me to propose a ceasefire agreement between humans and whales and dolphins, I know it....
Steve Merrick
It looks as if British democracy died a few years ago, and nobody noticed.
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