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Tag - nra
Quotes Tagged With :nra
Curtis Tyrone Jones
A poet is someone whose words can grasp & pull the thread of a person's soul & make them unravel with....
Tom Conrad
I was, a near grown man, sat in his dank, dark and rickety digs, feverishly hovering about the glare....
Tahereh Mafi
We've been shattered and reconstructed, told to make an effort every single day to pretend we still function....
Elizabeth Norris
And the way it felt?" I whisper, as if that might soften the blow of embarrassment I'm about to deal.....
Ray Bradbury
I sat and three hours later realized I had been seized by an idea that started short but grew to wild....
Tom Conrad
The punter sweated on top of Marina, his lips all over her young body, his tongue slipping out from rows....
Julianne Skai Arbor
To be alive on the planet is to surrender to being her partner. To be in service of the Earth is to be....
Anthony Horowitz
Strange though it is,Sarov still cares about you. He told me to leave you alone. But I think, this time,....
Haruki Murakami
I just gave them a little scare. A touch of psychological terror. As Joseph Conrad once wrote, true terror....
Arthur Conan Doyle
A study in scarlet, eh? Why shouldn't we use a little art jargon? There's the scarlet thread of murder....
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