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Tag - number
Quotes Tagged With :number
R.J. Anderson
I disliked numbers, and they didn't think much of me either.
Pushpa Rana
For a couple of days he was nice and I was on cloud number 9,damn they don’t teach how to come down....
Austin Peck
The number one thing I've been doing is being daddy.
Maggie Georgiana Young
From my first stab at second base, I became obsessively concerned for my vaginal upkeep. I began shaving....
Jonathan Black
Highly complex numbers like the Comma of Pythagoras, Pi and Phi (sometimes called the Golden Proportion),....
Nick Harkaway
You end up with a machine which knows that by its mildest estimate it must have terrible enemies all....
Prince Andrew
The Royal Family have always had an interest in a number of different areas of society. We are a part....
Tahereh Mafi
I count everything. Even numbers, odd numbers, multiples of 10. I count the ticks of the clock i count....
Alain Ducasse
Given the number of restaurants I have, I could easily travel all the time - but I try not to.
Scott Westerfeld
The universe is math on fire.
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