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Tag - pessimism
Quotes Tagged With :pessimism
Charlie Chaplin
You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
shift your focus to achieve your purpose. Life is all about change!
Franz Kafka
From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back.
Criss Jami
I am often guilty of expecting the worst so as to avoid disappointment and welcome surprise.
Jim Benton
School prepares you for the real world... which also bites.
Orson F. Whitney
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The....
Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
If life is a punishment, one should wish for an end; if life is a test, one should wish it to be short.....
Howard Zinn
Pessimism becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy it reproduces itself by crippling our willingness to act. ....
Kayla Krantz
There must be logical minds among all species if they hope to survive. Not everyone can be bridled with....
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There is always something worse, limit thinking about worse things and concentrate on the best things.....
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