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Tag - prostitutes
Quotes Tagged With :prostitutes
A.E. Samaan
Politicized science is like a prostitute with an STD. You know she has been fucked by a dirty politician.....
Oliver Markus Malloy
I saw a documentary about prostitution in Holland a few years ago, that said over there health insurance....
Sebastian Horsley
I didn't want to tell Mother I worked as a journalist. She thought I was a prostitute. Locking yourself....
Tom Carter
No wonder prostitution is so rampant in China, I mused as I watched the four girls watch us: why stand....
Every whore needs a man that could turn her into a beautiful swan...
Oliver Markus Malloy
In Germany, people will agree in theory that prostitution should be legal, but they usually won't admit....
Jim Butcher
Journeyman stared at Grimm as though Grimm had just suggested that the engineer should prostitute his....
David Foster Wallace
Why do prostitutes when they get straight always try and get so prim? It's like long-repressed librarian-ambitions....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Only a prostitute will trade her valuables for money, so you shouldn't sell your God given ideas and....
Carl R White
Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman that....
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