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Tag - ringer
Quotes Tagged With :ringer
Derek Landy
Every once in a while, I get the urge. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? The urge for destruction.....
Nancy T. Lucas
I’m after a mugger,” said Scout.“A hugger?” said Clyde. He was a little deaf. “I would imagine....
Brent Weeks
Moments of beauty sustain us through hours of ugliness.
Rick Yancey
Ten thousand years to build civilization, ten months to tear it down, and each day lasted ten times longer....
E.M. Markoff
You can only hide the sun for so long.
Rick Yancey
In the early days, it was nearly omnipresent, a constant background noise, like the hum of traffic on....
Rick Yancey
I am like the water that runs over me, immune to permanence, recycling endlessly. I am water; I am life.....
E.M. Markoff
Gossip is the swiftest bird alive," Amonos said darkly."Yes," said E'sinea, turning to view his surroundings.....
E.M. Markoff
Be what you yearn to be, and stop living for false ideals.
Nancy Springer
I hope that the kind reader recognises this as a despairing attempt at humour.
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