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Tag - sahara
Quotes Tagged With :sahara
Sahara Sanders
Promise yourself to achieve lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of… and dare to achieve it!
Raquel Cepeda
Come to think of it, maybe God is a He after all, because only a cruel force would create something this....
Nalini Singh
You’ll have to be my conscience.” He knew his flaws, and he knew the parts of him that were irrevocably....
Raquel Cepeda
More than anything, this place feels familiar. I bury my hands in the hot sand and think about the embodiment....
Michael Asher
They glided out of the heat-haze on their camels like specters. There were twenty of them, and they were....
Eamonn Gearon
If asked which words one associated with the Sahara, only the most dedicated surrealist might be expected....
Dark Jar Tin Zoo
I love like I’m thirsty. Can I offer you a tall glass of Sahara sand?
T.K. Naliaka
It's a lot like the Wild West out here... just with tea shops instead of saloons. Wild West Sahara, that....
Captain Hank Bracker
During his extensive career as an airmail pilot with Aéropostale, Antoine served as the company’s....
Haruki Murakami
Anyhow, I took every stitch of clothing off and got out of bed. And I got down on my knees on the floor....
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