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Tag - sauce
Quotes Tagged With :sauce
Patricia V. Davis
I can be totally feminine and totally feminist. The two are not mutually exclusive.
David Wong
But in those first hours after you take it, your brain is tuned in like nothing you can imagine. Eyes....
Patricia V. Davis
It's only young people who make giant, life-altering decisions based on what other people might think,....
Diana Wynne Jones
The demon at length fell to singing a gentle, flickering little song. It was not in any language Sophie....
Colum McCann
We stumble on, thinks Jaslyn, bring a little noise into the silence, find in others the ongoing of ourselves.....
Jay Rayner
Too often we only identify the crucial points in our lives in retrospect. At the time we are too absorbed....
Thomm Quackenbush
I know for a fact the first UFOs reported in modern times, just before the crash at Roswell, were boomerang....
Shirley Parenteau
Each boat-shaped dish held scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream beneath thick blankets of chocolate....
Marshall Ramsay
I had a dream about you last night... I think flying saucer activity is pretty easy to explain; if I....
Rin Chupeco
Dinner that night is a feast of flavor. To celebrate the successful exorcism, Kagura has cooked several....
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