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Quotes Tagged With :series
Molly Harper
because daytime leaves vampires less than, well, conscious, I told him, “Take your muffins to Boston....
Heather Wolf
Be healing with your words, be tender with your words, be gentle with your words and watch your words....
Jamie Scallion
Tomorrow I have to break Clipper’s heart. Really bust it open. - Tea
Lisa Kessler
You made me feel like I was the most important person in the world to you, and then you showed me I never....
Heather Wolf
Practice loving kindness wherever you may go.
P. H. Solomon
When his dead father touched his hand, Athson almost dropped the arrow.
Emily Thorne
Over time, we commit acts with intentions, either good or bad, that require forgiveness.
Chris Vincent
Patience is the virtue that forges great men.
Mirella Muffarotto
Everything around her was in a fog; the intense light that always shone in his aqua blue eyes was the....
Amy Andrews
Tiny.” Juliet’s firm voice brought the dog to an abrupt halt much to Ryder’s immense relief. “Sit.”The....
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