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Tag - superman
Quotes Tagged With :superman
David Louden
They stood either side of him like haunting little genetic bookends. The one thing he’ll leave behind,....
Richelle E. Goodrich
The only way to change the world is to quit thinking it's a job for Superman. Real power lies in your....
Mark Millar
We ordinary people might lack your great speed or your X-Ray vision, Superman, but never underestimate....
Michael Grant
Here’s the thing, people: We have some serious problems. The lights are off. And it seems like that’s....
Kate Rusby
Doris loves Superman as well.unfortunately, she got knocked down by a van last year, and it was a big,....
Emily Matchar
Attachment parenting, Sears writes, "immunizes children against many of the social and emotional diseases....
Anthony T. Hincks
They said that Superman was faster than a speeding train. If that's the case, how fast were his sperm....
David Louden
Marilyn Monroe is pissing me off, Charlie Chaplin owes me twenty bucks, that fucker Shrek tried to fuck....
David Louden
How was it they had cut to Hollywood Boulevard for a fluff piece and ended up with Gangs of New-Fucking-York?!....
T. J. Miller
I wouldn't want to be Superman. Batman would be cool. But the one I've always wanted to play is the Joker.....
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