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Tag - survivor
Quotes Tagged With :survivor
Diane Mandt Langberg
Too often the survivor is seen by [himself or] herself and others as "nuts," "crazy," or "weird." Unless....
Don Easton
As part of the healing process, change your perception of yourself from “victim” to that of “advocate”....
Sarah E. Olson
I spent most of my life believing lwas crazy because all the crazy things I experienced in childhood....
Jeanne McElvaney
There is a moment in our healing journey when our denial crumbles; we realize our experience and it's....
Beverly Engel
If you carry around a lot of suppressed or repressed anger (anger you have unconsciously buried) you....
Michael Salter
Research on organised abuse emphasises the diversity of organised abuse cases, and the ways in which....
Stacy Snapp-Killian aka StacyK
It is during a time of failure we bury a past and resurrect a future. Becoming righteous, discerning,....
Beatrix Campbell
The survivor movements were also challenging the notion of a dysfunctional family as the cause and culture....
Sanchita Pandey
Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will....
Alice Walker
He beat me when you not here, I say.Who do, she say, Albert?Mr ____, I say.I can't believe it, she say.....
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