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Tag - swearing
Quotes Tagged With :swearing
Lilian Jackson Braun
...if you've never been cussed out by a Siamese, you don't know what profanity is all about!
Raymond Carver
I'm a heart surgeon, sure, but I'm just a mechanic. I go in and I fuck around and I fix things. Shit.....
William Shakespeare
That in the captain's but a choleric word,Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy.
Mark Jackman
Eagles, buffalos and deserts vast, it’s no good living in the fucking past.
Pawan Mishra
I swear by the self-assurance with which elderly men sitting in public tilt sideways to allow the gas....
Sara Massa
I looked up from the ground and glared at Scarlett, who helped Steven stand up. “You bitch.” I growled,....
Michelle Franklin
Swearing is a currency the countryside spends well.
Roger Zelazny
He smelled the smells of commerce and listened to the cursing of the sailors, both of which he admired:....
Addie Zierman
Yeah, it's kind of shitty," I say. I add the shitty on purpose as a kind of a test. I’ve been using....
Pawan Mishra
Fricking son of a popcorn pimp!
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