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Tag - tana
Quotes Tagged With :tana
B.J. Daniels
Hell, I've always like the man," he said now. "Until he became involved with my wife.
Holly Black
He must have been handsome when he was alive and was handsome still, although made monstrous by his pallor....
Jesse Ventura
It's a good thing I'm not the president, because I would prosecute everybody who was involved in that....
B.J. Daniels
Are we ever getting out of these mountains?" she asked without turning to look at him. He moved up behind....
B.J. Daniels
The snow in the mountains had changed everything. Frank swore as he listened on the phone to the head....
Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein
A lion is stronger than a man, but it does not enable him to dominate the human race. You have neglected....
Haruki Murakami
Like Naokuo, I'm not really sure what it means to love another person. Though she meant it a little differently.....
Robert M. Pirsig
Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your....
B.J. Daniels
Her gaze locked with his and she felt her heart quicken. Slowly, he bent his head until his lips were....
Arthur Drews
Gnosticism is undeniably pre-Christian, with both Jewish and gentile roots. The wisdom of Solomon already....
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