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Tag - tingle
Quotes Tagged With :tingle
Jordan Harper
Sometimes I hear Mark laugh, and some days in the car the right song will come on the satellite radio....
Jane Wilson-Howarth
Travel experiences are emotionally loaded. Often there is excitement and stimulation. The tingle-factor....
Lucy Christopher
I remember that feeling of skin. It'sstrange to remember touch more than thought. But my fingersstill....
Alex Rosa
Every time his lips meet mine, my whole body begins a slow tingle that starts from within in my chest,....
Rosen Trevithick
My first kiss as a single woman. It sent a tingle sprinting down my spine like a tingle panther.
Michael Delaware
He wagged his tail, and his whole body tingled. He realized the emptiness inside was not filled with....
J.M. Richards
As we were about to cross the road, Davin suddenly grabbed my wrist and held me back a moment; a car....
Virginia Alison
Do no drown me with mediocrity, give me passion, desire, make me inhale breaths of lust and love in the....
Lisa Daily
Daniel reaches out and grabs my hand to steady me. His skin is warm and soft, and holding his hand sends....
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