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Tag - tome
Quotes Tagged With :tome
Chris Murray
If you sound like a contestant from The Apprentice or if the customer believes that they are being sold....
Jim C. Hines
I like big books and I cannot lie.You other readers can’t denyThat when a kid walks in with The Name....
Susan C. Young
It is no mystery why nice people are well-liked and get along harmoniously with others. Being nice makes....
Susan C. Young
Whether you smile to make a great first impression for customer service, building rapport, communicating....
Amber Hurdle
Walk a mile in your customers’ stilettos or loafers. Try to understand where they are in the moment.....
Rajen Jani
Knowledge is something that fire cannot burn, water cannot wet, air cannot dry, thieves cannot steal,....
Bobby Darnell
Saying, “I don’t have time for CRM.” is like saying, “I don’t have time to look at my GPS app....
Susan C. Young
You can certainly take the easy road and use the predictable and boring defaults like:• How are you....
Susan C. Young
Add a fresh twist of creativity to make a stellar impression which people won’t soon forget. Granted,....
Janna Cachola
Businesses need to be more alert. Sometimes the problem is not the customer service, it is the product.....
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