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Tag - train
Quotes Tagged With :train
Rajen Jani
A clear mind achieves success.
Sam Yagan
I'm an off-the-charts introvert. To me, being around groups of strangers is exhausting. I've had to sort....
Paul Theroux
So far I had been travelling alone with my handbook and my Western Railway timetable: I was happiest....
Chris Murray
Finding happiness by delivering it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today,....
Israelmore Ayivor
Don't feel pity for those who will feel disappointed because you have scored! You were trained not to....
Rajen Jani
Unfulfilled needs makes training unfulfilled.
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja faith stands. It is not shaken when things seem contrary to what one expects. Ninja faith chooses....
Anthony T. Hincks
They said that Superman was faster than a speeding train. If that's the case, how fast were his sperm....
Soke Behzad Ahmadi
True Martial Arts is universal, simple and practical. Anything else is too complex to be used in combat.....
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